Saturday, July 08, 2006


nooooooooooooooooooo. just as i was reaching the ultimate climax for FEAR, i just realised i don't know how to take screenshots! this cannot do! sms-ed a few ppl and checked out a few websites. i should be able to know how soon. haha. but feel quite malu. didnt know how the print screen thing worked until today. tried hitting it a few times while playing to see if i can get anything. was wondering why nothing happened. but now i know better. heh.
i must re attempt the final stages tomorrow and i shall be back with more pictures! oh wait. thats not very possible. got my sis grad ceremony tmr. i think. we'll see. haha. but everything is building up to a massive and impressive climax. bleah. i'll just post a picture of the most awesome partnership in a game i've seen thus far.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

yea. gordon freeman and alyx vance. she winked at me!(while playing as gordon freeman. loll.) and she made a number of strange comments. haha. nvm.

germany will be third today! muahaha. anyway. thanks a lot. it helped alot that you were listening.

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